Monday, September 15, 2014


In today’s generation, there are lots of changes that had happen compared before. We encountered different calamities that strike in our country. Population increases and modern technologies exist. As time goes by, we continually face different changes that will affect to our everyday living. Like as what we had seen today in our surroundings, the usage of plastic cellophane and non-biodegradable materials are being maximized. Due to it, it creates a big problem in our society and the best way to lessen this problem is to begin the practice of reducing the use of plastic cellophane. 

Being one of the supporters in these practices, the Mktg 111 students will have to encourage or promote the use of plastic ware in buying foods in some establishments located within MSU-Main Campus, Marawi City. In this way, we can help reduce plastic cellophane that can lead to pollution. Having this kind of activity is not burden for us in the since that owners of that establishments also cooperate with us. They also loved this idea because they could lessen the expenses with regards to the buying of plastics. This is one way that we can help reduce the use of plastic cellophane. And with these practices, people would be aware and be conscious with regards of using it. 

As we have known that usage of plastics have become increased.  Just like for the MSUans, wherein they have the habits of using plastic cellophane as the gloves during meal time or even use this plastic cellophane as their plates. By this, it will continually be the habits of the people. But then, this habit  will be lessen if each one of us have to cooperate. Each one of us should be responsible in reducing the use of plastics. 

Let us be united. Let us make it hand in hand. We should help conserve our mother earth. And let us begin it now!!!