Saturday, August 30, 2014

Green Marketing Exhibit done by the Marketing 111 students

  Last August 13, 2014, we the marketing 111 students had our Green Marketing Exhibit that was being held at the lobby of the College of Business Administration and Accountancy. After for almost 3 days of preparation for the said event, we finally had our exhibit with the concept of "the Lorax".
It was almost 6am on that day when every one of us were busy enough decorating in the lobby. Even though it was early enough for us to wake up but still we had time to make it. I thought that it will be started in the morning but due to some fortuitous event, Prof.Richard S. Celeste announced that it was being moved at 2:30 in the afternoon.
            The program started with an opening prayer followed by the inspirational talk done by our instructor in the said event. Some selected students of Mktg111 had their interpretative dance entitled “Heal the World”. The song reminds us that we should have to take care of our mother earth. One of the reasons why we had done this exhibit is to simply make people aware that we must be responsible not just for ourselves but also for taking care of our mother earth. We made different kind of products out of empty plastic bottles. In this way, we can see that the students enhance their creativity in using those empty plastic bottles like C2, Nature’s spring and Coca cola. 

                  This exhibit is not just focusing on the individual output of the students but to make people aware that we must have to be responsible in taking care and saving our mother earth. Aside from that to make them realize that we can make use of those things that we think it can be of no use by simply to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The future lies in our hand. So we must have to cooperate not just for the sake of our own self but also for the sake of our future generation. Let us work hand in hand and make a better place. 


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