Saturday, August 30, 2014

JEMA Days 2014 Celebration sponsored by JECO's Restaurants

       Jeco’s is one of the well-known restaurants in Commercial Center, MSU, Marawi City. Customers patronized their products not only for the quality of the foods they serve but also the affordability, good service and most especially for the very unique taste of their foods.

  The term JECO’s derived from the initial name of the four partnerships. One of the partners is Mrs. Marelyn B. Andrada who is also the manager of the said establishment. It was established on July 1, 2005 but on September 9, 2005 was the start of her management. 

      Last July 30, 2014, the Marketing 111 students of the section LM visited to the warehouse of the Jeco’s restaurant. There, we met the manager; she had also shared to us her experiences in putting up their restaurant. She said that in putting up a business, it is not necessary that you have a big capital. Small ones were enough. At the warehouse, we saw their production area. It was so clean, organize and a quiet place.  Even though it wasn’t a big area but for her it was enough in the since that each employees had their individual task.

In connection with these, during our JEMA day’s celebration, Jeco’s restaurant is one of the most active sponsors. In fact, the husband of Mrs. Marelyn was one of the chosen judges during the search for Mr & Ms JEMA 2014. This establishment was very supportive in terms of the activities that will be held in MSU. They also gave gift certificates for the winners in the said competition during the JEMA days like the print advertisements wherein each year level had to advertise their products.

As we can see now, JECO’s is one of the leading restaurants in MSU, Marawi City. They continue serving customers their delicious and nutritious products. It had one branch located at MSU Naawan and for her, she wanted to had another branch in Iligan City. And even though there exists a lot of competitors within the locality, but still they never had a problem on it. For her, the important thing is you can always offer customers with delicious and nutritious foods that will meet to the satisfaction to every individual. 

But the best thing she said, “There is nothing impossible especially when there is God”.

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