Friday, October 3, 2014

A Seminar on E-commerce & Internet Marketing: Essentials &Strategies done by the Marketing 111 Students

Last September 24, 2014, the Marketing 111 students of the Department of Entrepreneurial Marketing had a Seminar on E-commerce and Internet Marketing Essentials and Strategies. It was being held at the Academic Complex, College of Law, MSU, Marawi City.
The said seminar was being organized by the Mktg 111 students of the section LM and some of the active students of the other two sections. This seminar contains different topics like Doing E-business in the ASEAN Community, E-Commerce on the Go: Its Process and Application, Web Advertising through Social Media Marketing and Careers in Digital Media, which were being shared from the four different speakers, namely; Prof. Archie Lemuel Clark Velasco, Mr. Monju Khan, Ms. Charmaine Xy-Zao O. Yape and Ms. Lovette Jam P. Jacosalem respectively.

From the first speaker, I learned the process of setting up an online store. These techniques involve establishing your online identity (BRANDING), building a user friendly website, selecting an ISP to host your site, minimizing the risks of e-commerce, accepting & managing payments and the most important is promoting your site. Aside from that, I also learned the features of the common elements of E-Commerce. These are the searchable catalogs, secure checkout, customer support page and FAQs.

In engaging social media marketing for small business, you must have to consider the strategy of social media marketing. These are the 5C’s, such as, consistency, character, content, connection and communication. These were some of the lessons that I learned from Ms. Charmaine Xy-Za O. Yape. Aside from that, Ms. Lovette Jam shared to us or teaches us on applying digital media to sell and promote products to our desired target markets.

This was such a big opportunity for us especially we are into a business course.  From the four different guest speakers, I have learned different lessons that could help me start my career in establishing online business. I have learned that in order your online business will be effective, we should sell high differentiated products, choose the right domain and the right keyword for your sites. In addition to it, we must also identify our clear marketing goals so that we can figure out what potential customers need to know before buying from your site. Aside from the most exciting part of it is the career in digital media in which it focused not only in how good are you in designing arts but whatever fields you are into will be accepted by this career. Like marketing and advertising, development, management and others field that will be suited in this career.
As what Tim Berner- Lee says that “much is to be exploited by marketers if they only see information as a resource”. 

That is why, this seminar is such a big opportunity for us to be more enlightened and gain some information that might be a great help for us by applying those information for us to become a successful entrepreneurs someday.

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